

By Sigrún Gudbrandsdóttir. THIS PHOTO BOOK is a collection of portraits and festive images of writers, musicians, artists, friends and strangers. And – I REACHED MY GOAL - THANK YOU SO MUCH!! while I'm working on it, you can still buy the book here.

IKI - The Second Journey

IKI is a free improvising vocal band of 8 women from Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland, bound together by intuitive music making. When IKI enters the stage everything is completely improvised and made up on the spot. There are no rules - anything can happen! In 2010 we released our debut album and now the time has come to make our second album. We recorded the music this summer in Iceland, together with the guitar player and improviser Hilmar Jensson, and we are very happy with the result. But we don't have the money to mix, master and print the record. Therefore we ask for YOUR help.